Pendant Lights

Grey Bronze Pendant Lighting

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    • Colour: Grey
    • Material: Bronze
    We found 210 products
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    Elstead Cambridge - 3 Light Tiffany Ceiling Pendant Bronze Finish, E27
    Elstead Cambridge - 3 Light Tiffany Ceiling Pendant Bronze Finish, E27
    from £327.47
    Emery industrial hanging lamp bronze 20.3 cm
    Emery industrial hanging lamp bronze 20.3 cm
    from £150.88
    Elstead Marine - 1 Light Ceiling Mini Pendant Western Bronze, E27
    Elstead Marine - 1 Light Ceiling Mini Pendant Western Bronze, E27
    £83.69 ManoMano UK
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead New Harbor - 1 Light Ceiling Mini Pendant Western Bronze, E27
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead New Harbor - 1 Light Ceiling Mini Pendant Western Bronze, E27
    from £97.99
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead New Harbor - 4 Light Ceiling Pendant Western Bronze, E27
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead New Harbor - 4 Light Ceiling Pendant Western Bronze, E27
    £220.99 Robert Dyas
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead East Vale - 1 Light Large Dome Ceiling Pendant Palladian Bronze, E27
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead East Vale - 1 Light Large Dome Ceiling Pendant Palladian Bronze, E27
    from £112.61
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Fusion - 3 Light Ceiling Pendant Bronze, E27
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Fusion - 3 Light Ceiling Pendant Bronze, E27
    from £308.61
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Spyre - 6 Light Round Ceiling Pendant Gold, E14
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Spyre - 6 Light Round Ceiling Pendant Gold, E14
    from £624.47
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Spyre - 6 Light Round Ceiling Pendant Bronze, E14
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Spyre - 6 Light Round Ceiling Pendant Bronze, E14
    from £624.47
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Beso - 1 Light Dome Ceiling Pendant Dark Bronze, E27
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Beso - 1 Light Dome Ceiling Pendant Dark Bronze, E27
    from £127.91
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Luminary - 4 Light Ceiling Chandelier Pendant Light Bronze, E14
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Luminary - 4 Light Ceiling Chandelier Pendant Light Bronze, E14
    £178.99 Robert Dyas
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Pickering Lane - 5 Light Multi Arm Chandelier Antique Bronze Finish, E14
    Elstead Lighting - Elstead Pickering Lane - 5 Light Multi Arm Chandelier Antique Bronze Finish, E14
    £198.99 Robert Dyas
    Elstead Hinkley Plymouth Bowl Ceiling Pendant Light 3x E27 Olde Bronze
    Elstead Hinkley Plymouth Bowl Ceiling Pendant Light 3x E27 Olde Bronze
    £179.99 Robert Dyas
    Elstead Cello - 1 Light Dome Ceiling Mini Pendant Antique Bronze, E27
    Elstead Cello - 1 Light Dome Ceiling Mini Pendant Antique Bronze, E27
    from £104.94
    Hanging light Relax bronze chrome
    Hanging light Relax bronze chrome
    Large pendant lamp Relax bronze chrome
    Large pendant lamp Relax bronze chrome
    Relax - a stylish hanging light, bronze
    Relax - a stylish hanging light, bronze
    Sara-60 LED hanging lamp bronze, 2,200-3,000 K
    Sara-60 LED hanging lamp bronze, 2,200-3,000 K
    Westinghouse Iron Hill hanging light, black 1-bulb
    Westinghouse Iron Hill hanging light, black 1-bulb
    Westinghouse 6338540 hanging light, glass
    Westinghouse 6338540 hanging light, glass
    from £23.54
    Bronze effect Brushed 1 light Cable light set
    Bronze effect Brushed 1 light Cable light set
    from £15.99
    Bronze effect Brushed 3 light Cable light set
    Bronze effect Brushed 3 light Cable light set
    from £25.00
    Endon Lighting - Endon Rock Modern Contemporary Single Pendant Light Metallic Bronze Glass Shade Chrome Plated
    Endon Lighting - Endon Rock Modern Contemporary Single Pendant Light Metallic Bronze Glass Shade Chrome Plated
    £95.99 Robert Dyas
    Endon Rock Modern Contemporary 3 Light Cluster Pendant Metallic Bronze Glass Shade Chrome Plated
    Endon Rock Modern Contemporary 3 Light Cluster Pendant Metallic Bronze Glass Shade Chrome Plated
    from £220.99