Elstead Lighting - Elstead Gentry - 4 Light Medium Ceiling Lantern Pendant Pewter, E14

Elstead Lighting - Elstead Gentry - 4 Light Medium Ceiling Lantern Pendant Pewter, E14

Specification Elstead Gentry - 4 Light Medium Ceiling Lantern Pendant Pewter, E14 Finish: Pewter IP Rating: IP20 Height (cm): 50.8 Width (cm): 30.5 No. of Lights: 4 Lamp Type: E14 Dimmable: Yes Wattage (max): 60 Weight (kg): 7.3 Class: 1 (E…View more

Product Description

Elstead Lighting - Elstead Gentry - 4 Light Medium Ceiling Lantern Pendant Pewter, E14
Specification Elstead Gentry - 4 Light Medium Ceiling Lantern Pendant Pewter, E14 Finish: Pewter IP Rating: IP20 Height (cm): 50.8 Width (cm): 30.5 No. of Lights: 4 Lamp Type: E14 Dimmable: Yes Wattage (max): 60 Weight (kg): 7.3 Class: 1 (Earthed) Bulb Included: No Description This traditional design is offered in three classic finishes, Olde Bronze, Pewter and Polished Solid Brass. The clear bent glass panels (clear seedy type on Old Bronze models), white candle sleeves and coordinating candle chasers add classic elegance to this timeless style. For a traditional, classic lantern design, This range is the answer. The large range of finishes, styles and sizes gives the freedom of choice. Supplied with 152.4cm of chain.

Technical Specifications

Grey, Transparent, Bronze, White, Red
Pewter, Bronze, Glass, Brass, Bronze, Brass
Large, Large
Traditional, Traditional
4-Light, , , Dimmable

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