Elstead Lighting - Elstead Plantation - 4 Light Ceiling Pendant Polished Antique Nickel, E14

Elstead Lighting - Elstead Plantation - 4 Light Ceiling Pendant Polished Antique Nickel, E14

Specification Elstead Plantation - 4 Light Ceiling Pendant Polished Antique Nickel, E14 Finish: Polished Antique Nickel IP Rating: IP20 Height (cm): 78 Width (cm): 31.8 No. of Lights: 4 Lamp Type: E14 Dimmable: Yes Wattage (max): 40 Weight…View more

Product Description

Elstead Lighting - Elstead Plantation - 4 Light Ceiling Pendant Polished Antique Nickel, E14
Specification Elstead Plantation - 4 Light Ceiling Pendant Polished Antique Nickel, E14 Finish: Polished Antique Nickel IP Rating: IP20 Height (cm): 78 Width (cm): 31.8 No. of Lights: 4 Lamp Type: E14 Dimmable: Yes Wattage (max): 40 Weight (kg): 18 Class: 1 (Earthed) Bulb Included: No Description A Hinkley classic, the ornate This collection features exceptional pineapple shaped clear optic glass that makes a noble statement. The Polished Antique Nickel finish has matching candle sleeves and elaborate decorative cast detailing. The intricate and original design adds a special ambiance to the room. Ideal in an extravegant setting. This range offers a variety of matching fittings.

Technical Specifications

Bronze, Grey, Transparent, Teal, Silver
Glass, Nickel, Nickel
Antique, Antique, Decorative
Dimmable, Decorative, , 4-Light, Statement, Pineapple

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