Specialist Paints

If you're delving into a project that requires a touch more finesse or a specific type of finish, specialist paints might just be what you need. Unlike your standard emulsions, specialist paints are formulated to tackle unique surfaces, conditions, and design aspirations, making them a go-to for both professionals and enthusiastic DIYers. Whether it's bringing a piece of furniture back to life with chalk paint, waterproofing a bathroom with anti-mould paint, or adding a touch of class with magnetic or chalkboard finishes, there's a product out there tailored for every conceivable project. What makes specialist paints stand out is their ability to provide solutions to problems regular paints can't. For instance, if you're looking to reduce condensation in a poorly ventilated room, there's a specialist paint for that. Or, if you're aiming to cover a stubborn stain that keeps bleeding through your walls, there's a primer or sealer specifically designed to tackle that challenge. Moreover, using specialist paints is not just about practicality; it's also about unleashing creativity. Imagine transforming a plain wall into a vibrant feature with glow-in-the-dark paint or creating a sleek, writable surface in a home office or child's bedroom. The possibilities are virtually endless. What's more, with the advancement in the formulation of specialist paints, applying them has never been easier, often requiring fewer coats and giving longer lasting results than ever before. So, whether you're embarking on a functional refurbishment or simply looking to inject some personality into your space, exploring the range of specialist paints could open up a whole world of potential for your project.
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Ronseal Kitchen and Bathroom Repair Kit - 60g
Ronseal Kitchen and Bathroom Repair Kit - 60g
from £27.99
Ronseal Kitchen and Bathroom Touch Up Enamel Paint - 10ml
Ronseal Kitchen and Bathroom Touch Up Enamel Paint - 10ml
from £14.49
Ronseal One Coat Blackboard Paint - 250ml
Ronseal One Coat Blackboard Paint - 250ml
from £9.11
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Willow, 250ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Willow, 250ml
from £6.13
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Cool Breeze, 250ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Cool Breeze, 250ml
from £7.95
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - White Ash, 250ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - White Ash, 250ml
from £3.00
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - English Oak, 250ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - English Oak, 250ml
from £5.39
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Slate, 250ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Slate, 250ml
from £7.75
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Daisy, 250ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Daisy, 250ml
from £1.50
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Cool Breeze, 750ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Cool Breeze, 750ml
from £11.45
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Cornflower, 750ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Cornflower, 750ml
from £4.50
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - White Ash, 750ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - White Ash, 750ml
from £2.00
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Elderflower, 750ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Elderflower, 750ml
from £2.50
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Cool Breeze, 2.5l
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Cool Breeze, 2.5l
from £7.50
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - White Ash, 2.5l
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - White Ash, 2.5l
from £15.00
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Elderflower, 2.5l
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Elderflower, 2.5l
from £9.00
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - English Oak, 2.5l
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - English Oak, 2.5l
from £19.14
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Blackbird, 2.5l
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Blackbird, 2.5l
from £22.20
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Daisy, 2.5l
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Daisy, 2.5l
from £24.91
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Midnight Blue, 2.5l
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Midnight Blue, 2.5l
from £25.33
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Warm Stone, 250ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Warm Stone, 250ml
from £4.87
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Clover, 250ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Clover, 250ml
from £7.75
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Warm Stone, 750ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Warm Stone, 750ml
from £10.88
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Clover, 750ml
Ronseal General Purpose Garden Paint - Clover, 750ml
from £12.10